Katie Bournival-Boggs


9 Months… 66 pounds and 60 inches of FAT! BOOM!!
After a life-long struggle with being overweight, cystic acne, not absorbing nutrients, chronic fatigue and pain, terrible digestion, sugar addiction, losing hair, low immunity and auto-immune disorders, I was barely functioning through a normal day.
FYF4Good taught me to break the cycle of addiction and mental stress and allow my body, mind and spirit to heal. In 9 months exactly, I said “Goodbye forever” to over 66 lbs. and 60 inches of fat! I wore the dress of my dreams on my wedding day. Now, I am living my life and pursuing goals like never before. I’ve found the inner confidence I’ve always desperately wanted- now, I catch my reflection and smile! It still takes me just as long to get dressed, but now it’s because I can wear anything I want and not because I’m uncomfortable in everything!
I am proud to be a Certified Coach with the program and am thankful to have long-term perspective on my health, and that I will be able to bring my future children up this way. They won’t have to struggle like I did. Your struggle can end here, too. Are you ready?