by byline: Dr.Vicky introduces the purpose of the support call. | Tags: medicine, Facebook, support, calls, medical condition, 2017, 20170705
by I never knew I had a bowel problem until I listened on the calls and found out…I had a bowel problem. | Tags: bowels, bathroom, constipation, support calls, 2017, 20171011
by The importance of 3 bowel movements minimum! | Tags: bowels, digestion, absorption, elimination, digestive enzymes, pooping, bathroom, 2017, 20171011
General – Dr. Vicky
by Stress makes cortisol which can put fat on you. | Tags: Stress, cortisol, relax 2017, 20171101
by Thanksgiving Holiday (USA) Tricks to get by! | Thanksgiving, turkey, pie, bloating, stomach ache, holiday, tricks, CranFlush, Latte, 2017, 20171122
by Halloween is coming, let’s talk! | Halloween, candy, temptation, phase 1, phase 2, visceral fat, commitment, holidays, 2017, 20170906
by Doctor took one look at Linda and said “What happened?” | Tags: doctor, scale, passport, diets, 2017, 20171004
General- Katie
by Is it ok to eat organ meats? | Tags: Giblets, chicken liver, turkey, teeth, arginine 2017, 20171011
General – Katie
by Cacao not Cocoa! | Tags: cacao, cocoa, bean, seeds, chocolate, protein 2017, 20171011
by Bob grateful for his mistake and Flush Your Fat 4Good. | Tags: cupcake, belt hole, cheating, 2017,20170705
by A week prior Sophia felt so horrible, now she feels better and 1 hole down on her belt. | Tags: bloated, stomachache, Jackie’s Jump Start, journey, socializing, preparing, belt hole, 20170705
by From 500 pounds to 330, had some glitches but back on track! | obesity, motorcycle, men, cooking, driving, truck, cheating, back pain, steroids, 2017, 20171011
General – Sophia
by Sophia finally found her courage to order food the way she wants it. | Tags: restaurant, omelet, goat cheese, courage, 2017, 20171004
General – Dr. Vicky
by Dr. Vicky shares TED talk medical doctor lecture on diabetes. | Tags: Starches, carbohydrates, doctor, diabetes, insulin, protein 2017, 20171025
General - Dr. Vicky
by Dr. Vicky’s message to Newbies | Tags: newbies, support, questions, accountability, Pillar 8, 2017, 20170809
General – Jackie
by : Jackie had 3 mangoes for her 2nd serving of fruit and loved every one of them. | Tags: mangoes, glycemic index, glycemic load, fruit, bowels, 2017, 20170809
General – Jackie - Plateauing
by Jackie rampages about plateauing and commitment | Tags: plateau, commitment, joints, wheelchair, sugar, candy 2017, 20170913
General – Dr. Vicky - Plateauing
by Dr. Vicky ranting on the subject of plateauing | calories, paradigm, protein, nutritional ketosis, plateau, 2017,20170913
General – Jackie
by : Jackie’s rampage on broken frother and how coffee helps fat loss, moods and more. | Tags: Coffee, latte, cinnamon, cayenne, caffeine, frother, BCAAs, muscles 2017, 20170705
by Cranflush variations. Finally in control after fighting the battle of the bulge for 44 years! | Tags: latte, fruit, aminos, cherries, ginger, Cranflush, juicing, kale, lemon, green drink, chewing, digestion, astringent, control, 2018, 20180621
General – Dr. Vicky
by Are you at risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NASH? | Tags: fatty liver, mis-combining, starch, sugar, obesity, globesity, alcoholic, 2018, 20180620
General – Sherry
by 70 days off sugar! Finally admitting she’s a sugar addict. | Tags: sugar, addiction, digestion, discipline, brain, lifestyle, cake, cookies, medical problems, globesity, fatty liver disease, sodas, heart, 2018, 20180620
General – Dr. Vicky
by No question as to what to eat, ever! Don’t worry if you make a mistake. | Tags: mistake, worry, food combining 2018, 20180620
General – Jackie
by Watching friends order food at a restaurant was painful. | restaurant, ordering food, pain, soy, 2018, 20180620
General – Dr. Vicky
by Dear friends afraid to give up their best friend, FOOD! | Tags: sugar addiction, insulin, scared, 2018, 20180620
General – Martha
by Dr. Vicky speaks about how the body works as far as physiology goes. Trust the pills or trust the body’s wisdom for digestion. | Tags: biochemistry, real nutrition, physiology, food combining, digestion, brain, enzymes, fruit, doctor, chronic fatigue, virus, pills, lemon, medicine, healthy, 2018, 20180509
General – Sherry
by Don’t get in the grasps of the Sugar Devil!” | Tags: sugar, alcoholic, addiction, trigger, cocaine, brain, cookies, cake, 2018, 20180509
General – Bob
by 42 inch waist back to 32 like in college. You don’t learn until you learn! | sugar, cupcakes, yoyo dieting, learning, pain, 2018, 20180509
General – Jackie
by There is no need to eat bad foods to have a good time! No option to cheat! | Tags: junk food, marriage, honeymoon, sugar, addict, cheating, yoyo, paradigm shift, sugar, starches, sleeping, moods, globesity, commitment, birthday, wedding, party
General – Jackie
by We inherited old paradigms and not because we chose to! | Tags: peanuts, chocolate, candy, paradigms, Stockholm food syndrome, control, 2018, 20180307
General - Bob
by Staying size 32 from 42, week after week for 2 years on Phase 2! | Tags: Phase 2, stabilized weight, lifestyle, budget, waistline, 2018, 20180307
General – Jackie
by Jackie’s Chicken Salad Baby!! The 5 P’s before surgery! | Tags: Phase 2, prepared, Jackie’s Chicken Salad, arugula, kale, Tupperware, 2018, 20180307
by Patty obese at 250 size 22 to size 10 down 70 pounds. Had no quality of life…now off medications kept fat off after 26 months and cardiologist dismissed her as a patient, diverticulitis gone after 1 year. | surgery, atrial fibrillation, simple, omelet, easy, sleep, CranFlush, prepared, lifestyle, obesity, health, stress, nutrify, yoyo, lifestyle, mindset, cravings, junk food, sugar, candy, cookie, starch, reflux, nausea, gas, bloating, diarrhea, gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, food combining, nutritional ketosis, flushing, detoxing, diverticulitis, anti-aging, transformation, 2017, 20170808
Power100 – Jennifer
by Dump the fat 4Good by dumping old hurts and traumas 4Good! IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! | Tags: childhood, abuse, trauma, guilt, frustration, food issues, depression, bullying, ridiculing, manipulation, rebelling, control, self-destructive, donuts, suicide, defeated, engram, nutrifying, cleansing, digestion, liver, 2018, 20180529
by Having a Buddy can really help with STRESS EATING. First thing is to make your commitment to stop! | Tags: stress eating, 5 P’s, exercise, sleep, emotions, feelings, binge eating, Jackie’s Chicken Salad, goat yogurt with nuts, chocolate, guilt, shame, closet eaters, paradigm, depression, anxiety, commitment, transparent, knees, hips, 2018, 20180807
Power100 – Viki
by Thank you so much for letting me vent last week! | Tags: Jackie’s Chicken Salad, fruit, prepared, commitment, discipline, gratitude, nourishment, emotion, stress eating, dill pickles, 2018, 20180807
General – Dr. Vicky
by Intro to Newbies 5 days before Christmas | Tags: Christmas, Hanukah, Medicine, diabetes, hypertension, doctor 2017,20171217
General – Jackie
by Byline: New Year’s Resolution: Fun and rewarding to get a buddy! | Tags: New Year’s Resolutions, buddy, New Year’s, 2017, 20171217
by Pep-Talk and great info about GLA & CLA for fat loss and other products recommended. | Diet pills, GLA, CLA, brown fat, fat cells, adipose tissue, nutritional ketosis, grass fed, phytosterols, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes, probiotics
General – Jackie
by Jackie talks HABITUAL RITUAL to health, better life and shed fat for summer! | Tags: habitual ritual, Jackie’s Chicken Salad, discipline, summer, bootcamp, Phase 1, Phase 2, alcohol, starches, sugar, commitment, discipline, brain fog, cravings, 2018, 20180404
General – Dr. Vicky
by Dr. Vicky talks about Easter temptations, spring infections, and dropping fat for summer and if you mess up, just keep going! | Tags: Easter, holiday, chocolate, temptations, supplements, nutrify, protein, virus, EBV, sleep, protein, tuna, chicken, egg, facebook, 2018, 20180404
by K.I.S.S., Keep It Simple Stupid! Crazy diets will make you look good in your coffin. | Tags: digestion, simple, digestion, absorption, elimination, bars, pills, gimmicks, blood sugar, fatty liver, biochemistry, physiology, fruit, protein, starches, lifestyle, Phase 1, Phase 2, alcohol, treats, cancer, toilet 2018, 20180404
General – Michelle
by Jackie gets Michelle started after her stressful period of tragedies with 80 pounds gained from emotional eating. | Tags: latte, fruit, veggies, chicken, paradigm, soy milk, goat milk, goat yogurt, protein, coffee, digestion, food combining, poop, probiotics, Jackie’s chicken salad, nuts, chewing, seeds, soaking, phytates, Jackie’s turkey soup, stress, globesity, yo-yoing, 2018, 20180404
General – Jackie
by Soy Myth explained by Jackie | Tags: Soy, soymilk, tempeh, tofu, non-GMO, GMO, 2018,20180404