ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the struggling economy, people trying to decide between gas and food but they have a strong desire to change their life for the better, I have made a decision to allow all access for only $4.99 a month. This is about survival now and being 20lbs overweight is linked to 20+ health conditions. See below all access you will have to hear, watch and read to keep you on the right track and stay committed to a Lifestyle for a Lifetime.
Pricing & Access
Take the next step to being Lean & Healthy for Life! Join this “Culture of Caring” to be there every step of the way so you never struggle again. Nothing is more important than your health! When you subscribe to the Gold Level, the VIP Level, or you purchase the Workbook or Pre-Order the 250-plus page Book you will receive access to join our Facebook “Buddies” Group.
Private Facebook “Buddies” Group
How It Works
Supplement Information
Frequently Asked Questions
FYF4Good Store
Gold Access
Congratulations! You are on YOUR way! With Gold Access, you will have support 24×7 in our Private Facebook “Buddies” Group where there is always someone to answer your questions. Additionally you can listen to the recordings in the Support Call Library which is a wealth of information on how your body works, troubleshooting to help you get to your goal, and nutritional education that will inspire and explain all the whys!
Private Facebook “Buddies” Group
Support Call Library
FYF4Good Core Recipes
Article Library
How It Works
Supplement Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Before & Afters
FYF4Good Store
VIP Access
VIP Access pays for itself on the very first day! $19.99 per month is a bargain! Dr. Vicky and Jackie will be sharing a lifetime of information. You have access to talk to someone live weekly. Our Video Library is a wealth of knowledge! Discounts on Products & Events! Recipes and so much more! This will set you up for success. This knowledge will help you become your own guru. We want you to “Own It”. You are not alone! This is A Lifestyle for A Lifetime.